IRS Unfiled Taxes? - Have You Not Filed IRS Taxes for Years?
- Does That Describe You? IRS Tax Help.
DWK TAX GROUP: Your Nationwide
Internet Tax Resolution Company provides all 50 States, including Hawaii and
Alaska, with IRS Tax Debt Relief. Enrolled Agents to prepare your IRS
Substitute Filed Return or IRS Unfiled Taxes. IRS Tax Help. Tax relief
DWK's Enrolled Agents prepared IRS tax returns will
usually significantly reduce your IRS Tax Debt for the IRS Unfiled Tax Returns
Many problems occur when you have IRS Unfiled Tax Returns for both the IRS and State. IRS Unfiled Tax Returns may be construed as a criminal act by the IRS. The IRS may view you as a "Tax Protester". You certainly do not want that to happen to you.
The IRS estimates that approximately 10 million IRS taxpayers fail to submit their IRS unfiled tax returns each year. Delinquent IRS unfiled tax returns are often more closely examined by the IRS. When filing delinquent, IRS unfiled tax returns it is important to move quickly and correctly, and to follow IRS guidelines for "voluntary compliance."
In response, the IRS created a joint task force of revenue agents and Tax auditors from the IRS
Examination Division, IRS revenue officers from the Collection Division, and special agents from the Criminal Investigation Division to locate non-filers and secure compliance with filing requirements. The IRS has substantially increased its budget for technology that will enable it to find and pursue taxpayers who fail to regularly file their IRS tax returns.
The IRS Information Reporting System (IRP) is a multi-task system and contains a subsystem aimed at the discovery of under-reporting of income and taxpayers who have not filed their required tax returns. This subsystem is the backbone of the IRS effort to identify and locate non-filers. If you have not filed all required IRS tax returns, and have not yet been discovered by the IRS, the time to act is now. If you fail to act now, the IRS is almost certain to knock on your door in the future.
Criminal penalties for willful failure to timely file tax returns or pay taxes are mentioned at 26
Any person required under this title to pay any estimated tax or tax, or required by this title or by
regulations made under authority thereof to make a income tax return, keep any records, or supply any information, who willfully fails to pay such estimated tax or tax, make such income tax return, keep such records, or supply such information, at the time or times required by law or regulations, shall, in addition to other penalties provided by law, be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $25,000 ($100,000 in the case of a corporation), or imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both,
together with the costs of prosecution.
The IRS may have filed SFR's (Substitute Filing). Do not be fooled. This is not a real tax filing. SFR'S are the "assessment" needed in order
for the IRS to file Federal Tax Liens and Execute a IRS Wage Levy / IRS Wage
Garnishment and/or IRS Bank Levies. The IRS has given you ZERO deductions. IRS
Penalties and Interest have been piled on you. The Statute of Limitations is
not a consideration. You may be Garnished by the IRS at any moment.
Substitute For Returns (SFRs) are prepared and filed pursuant to authority granted the Internal Revenue Service by IRC §6020(b) which authorizes the IRS to prepare an individual income tax return on behalf of the taxpayer. In most cases, the Automated Substitute for Return (ASFR) system is used to evaluate the IRS Master File (MF) information about the taxpayer, and prepare an SFR for a wage earner or taxpayer without other unresolved taxpayer delinquent accounts (TDAs).
Examination Actions Phase Legal Responses "Examination" is the
IRS term for audit. if the IRS does not receive (1040) your tax return(s) in
response to the requests above, it typically generates a Substutute for Return,
or SFR, for each year under investigation. Somewhere around 2002 or 2003, or
perhaps a bit earlier, the IRS began an automated SFR process. Now,
rather than filling out and filing a blank, unsigned tax return, an IRS technician enters a SFR 150
transaction code into the IMF so that a tax year module can be opened "to faciliate" the assessment of taxes.
Now there is no "tax return" at all issued under the authority of IRC 6020(b). Instead, the IRS now makes an IRC6020(b) certification "certifying" that the documents which are part of its proposed
assessment "constitute" a tax return under IRC 6020(b), but the
underlying statute has not changed, and no signed 1040 has been made.
The Proposed Assessment ("30-day letter"): The IRS "audit" of a non-existent "tax return" (SFR) results in a "deficiency."
A IRS Form 4549 is generated to show the proposed assessment resulting from the
claimed "deficiency" and a 30-day letter is sent with the IRS
Form 4549 and IRS Form 886-A. This IRS letter, if responded to generally within
30 days, allowed for a person to ask for a reconsideration of the audit through
the IRS appeals office. it is discretionary on the part of the IRS to forward
the request to the appeals office, and for the appeals office to grant a
hearing. (The Proposed Assessment letter is not required by the law to
be sent, so it is not always used by the IRS).
If the IRS discovers a habitual non-filer before voluntary disclosure, either through its own non-filer programs or through an informant, the IRS will often refer the matter to the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) to determine if criminal prosecution is warranted. The IRS has devoted substantial resources to identifying non-filers.
The IRS will not enter into any Installment Agreement or enter into tax settlement until you are Compliant and have filed all delinquent tax returns.
So, here you are. IRS Unfiled Tax returns covering at least several years. IRS Penalties and Interest have been "piling up" at the rate of approximately 47% per year. That's right. 47%.
If you want to have yourself between "a ROCK and a HARD place", continue to do nothing.
If you want to get your IRS Tax situation straightened out and save yourself money then you need to call us. Our goal is to reduce your IRS Tax Liability and make your financial life better.
DWK TAX will not accept a Case unless we can save you money.
Free consultation call 1-866-226-6102 today! DWK will help ALL IRS Tax problems.
Your Nationwide Internet Tax Resolution Company provides all 50 States,
including Hawaii and Alaska, with IRS Tax Relief representation. We WILL Stop
Your IRS Wage Garnishment / IRS Levy within 24 to 48 Hrs.
Many problems occur when you have IRS Unfiled Tax Returns for both the IRS and State. IRS Unfiled Tax Returns may be construed as a criminal act by the IRS. The IRS may view you as a "Tax Protester". You certainly do not want that to happen to you.
The IRS estimates that approximately 10 million IRS taxpayers fail to submit their IRS unfiled tax returns each year. Delinquent IRS unfiled tax returns are often more closely examined by the IRS. When filing delinquent, IRS unfiled tax returns it is important to move quickly and correctly, and to follow IRS guidelines for "voluntary compliance."
In response, the IRS created a joint task force of revenue agents and Tax auditors from the IRS
Examination Division, IRS revenue officers from the Collection Division, and special agents from the Criminal Investigation Division to locate non-filers and secure compliance with filing requirements. The IRS has substantially increased its budget for technology that will enable it to find and pursue taxpayers who fail to regularly file their IRS tax returns.
The IRS Information Reporting System (IRP) is a multi-task system and contains a subsystem aimed at the discovery of under-reporting of income and taxpayers who have not filed their required tax returns. This subsystem is the backbone of the IRS effort to identify and locate non-filers. If you have not filed all required IRS tax returns, and have not yet been discovered by the IRS, the time to act is now. If you fail to act now, the IRS is almost certain to knock on your door in the future.
Criminal penalties for willful failure to timely file tax returns or pay taxes are mentioned at 26
Any person required under this title to pay any estimated tax or tax, or required by this title or by
regulations made under authority thereof to make a income tax return, keep any records, or supply any information, who willfully fails to pay such estimated tax or tax, make such income tax return, keep such records, or supply such information, at the time or times required by law or regulations, shall, in addition to other penalties provided by law, be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $25,000 ($100,000 in the case of a corporation)
The IRS may have filed SFR's (Substitute Filing). Do not be fooled. This is not a real tax filing. SFR'S are the "assessment"
Substitute For Returns (SFRs) are prepared and filed pursuant to authority granted the Internal Revenue Service by IRC §6020(b) which authorizes the IRS to prepare an individual income tax return on behalf of the taxpayer. In most cases, the Automated Substitute for Return (ASFR) system is used to evaluate the IRS Master File (MF) information about the taxpayer, and prepare an SFR for a wage earner or taxpayer without other unresolved taxpayer delinquent accounts (TDAs).
Examination Actions Phase Legal Responses "Examination"
rather than filling out and filing a blank, unsigned tax return, an IRS technician enters a SFR 150
transaction code into the IMF so that a tax year module can be opened "to faciliate" the assessment of taxes.
Now there is no "tax return" at all issued under the authority of IRC 6020(b). Instead, the IRS now makes an IRC6020(b) certification "certifying"
The Proposed Assessment ("30-day letter"): The IRS "audit" of a non-existent "tax return" (SFR) results in a "deficiency."
be sent, so it is not always used by the IRS).
If the IRS discovers a habitual non-filer before voluntary disclosure, either through its own non-filer programs or through an informant, the IRS will often refer the matter to the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) to determine if criminal prosecution is warranted. The IRS has devoted substantial resources to identifying non-filers.
The IRS will not enter into any Installment Agreement or enter into tax settlement until you are Compliant and have filed all delinquent tax returns.
So, here you are. IRS Unfiled Tax returns covering at least several years. IRS Penalties and Interest have been "piling up" at the rate of approximately 47% per year. That's right. 47%.
If you want to have yourself between "a ROCK and a HARD place", continue to do nothing.
If you want to get your IRS Tax situation straightened out and save yourself money then you need to call us. Our goal is to reduce your IRS Tax Liability and make your financial life better.
DWK TAX will not accept a Case unless we can save you money.
Free consultation call 1-866-226-6102 today! DWK will help ALL IRS Tax problems.
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